Dojos and Coaching for Learning Beyond Facilitation - Mob Mentality Show

We enjoyed the conversation we had with Chris Lucian and Austin Chadwick on their Mob Mentality Show.

Chris Lucian and Austin Chadwick discuss all things #agile and product development from a #MobProgramming perspective. What would happen if your team kept working on its current production tasks, but switched the top priority to learning while doing so? What if this flip would not only include learning facilitation excellence but also would include coaching, technical, and product excellence as well? What would the short term impact be? What effects would be seen in the mid to long term? Join Chris and Austin as they have a fantastic discussion with Joel Tosi and Dion Stewart on "Dojos and Coaching for Learning Beyond Facilitation." After Joel and Doin describe these immersive learning environments in production, they dive into how remote dojos have led to more ensemble programming. Then, for both sports and tech, they cover the many facets of coaching side-by-side and in-context. Lastly, they explore what a post-"Agile" world looks like for them.


Seven principles for creating effective, Immersive learning experiences


Jess Brock is Speaking about Dojos and is Giving Away a Dojo Experience